
Waiting's the Hardest Part

PA RV Camping at its Finest: Gettysburg Battlefield Resort

Life or Morphine?

That Warm Fuzzy Feeling

Love and Tears

Not Tonight, I Need to Sleep

Two Days, Two Q-tip Incidents. Is it Time for a Dodge Durango?

Day 4: My Trip to D.C. for the Inauguration - Photos

Don't Forget, You Can Follow Me on Twitter

Day 2: My Trip to D.C. for the Inauguration - We Have Overcome

Day 1: My Trip to D.C. for the Inauguration - Chili Hits the Cold Spot

Using Web Hosting Tutorials to Find the Best Company

My Road to the White House (Okay, Just the Presidential Inauguration)

Worden Farm: Week 7, 2009 Farm Share, I've Got the Beet(s)

Okay, Guess Again: Look at All the Pretty Colors

Have I Told You I'm Attending Obama's Inauguration?

All the Pretty Colors

Play or Practical, Checkout Blomus Stainless Steel Home Accessories

Worden Farm: Week 6, 2009 Farm Share, Cauliflower

Hello, Australia! Come On Over to the U.S. in 2009

Giddy Up! Horse Surfing with Great World Nature Tours

Worden Farm: Week 5, 2009 Farm Share, Corn!

Oh! The Places I've Been in 2008 and What's Ahead for 2009