That Warm Fuzzy Feeling

Today was another long day at the hospital. Goodbyes were said yesterday and Grandma has begun her journey. One of the intriguing parts of this process is how people handle dying and death. I admit to crying everyday since Wednesday.

Selfishly, I wish Grandma would live forever and when I wrote yesterday that I saw love and fear in her eyes, I think what I was seeing was my own fear and not her's. But I know she had a good, long life - she's said so many times - and I know she wouldn't want to go on living without her freedom of mobility, comfort, and peace. Grandma is my equivalent of that warm fuzzy feeling inside and she's an important part of my life. She's been my strong tie to family and to the community. The Grandma I know is gone yet, I have many happy moments and experiences to remember her.
