What I Did to Stimulate the Economy Today: April 8, 2009

I wasn't gonna do it but I ended spending money today so here's a rundown of how I stimulated the economy on this fine Wednesday:
  • Lunch @ Chick-fil-A (used a coupon for a free salad + I was stress eating)
  • Canning Supplies
  • Veggie Farm Share from Worden Farm (next week is the last week, what will I do without my fresh veggies?)
Did anyone else carry out their patriotic duty today?


Anonymous said…
And what are you canning?
And what was in your veggie box this time?
You have spoiled us by showing us your goodies received.
I did stimulate the economy yesterday by paying my Amex bill.

jhuber7672 said…
I know, I've been remiss (lazy) in not posting my luscious veggies, will do that this weekend.

As for canning, will be canning beets, yum! Ordered an extra 10 pounds for pick up next week, have no idea when I'll have the time to pickle & can them but will find the time.

Good girl in keeping the economy going!