Let me begin by saying yes, I'm still working out with a trainer at the gym. I haven't lost much weight (about 8 or 9 pounds) but I've lost at least a dress size (the clothing I was oozing over is now too big) and I'm a whole lot stronger. I'm writing this as pain from yesterday's workout settles in.

Bottom line, I have no business baking sinfully delicious cookies but when I read about Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies on Amadeleine yesterday, I knew what I'd be doing on this Friday night - baking! (Be sure to check out Amadeleine's recipe and instructions).
Now, since this is March, two things are on my mind: McDonald's Shamrock Shakes (my father used to bring them home on St. Patrick's Day, what a treat!) and Girl Scout cookies.
I had two, $5 Target gift cards (from Target's awesome sales) so picked up Oreos and Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (I just don't have time for baking from scratch) on the drive home to work. I swung by Walmart hoping the Girl Scouts were out selling cookies and sure enough, there they were.
To make the cookies, I encased a Thin Mint in chocolate chip cookie dough and did the same with an Oreo. Plopped them on a cookie sheet, baked them for about 18 to 20 minutes and cooled them on a wire rack.

Give it a try and mix it up with your favorite cookie. And let me know the outcome!
Now excuse me. Sugar rush is settling in. Be sure to check out www.solotravelgirl.com to see what else I've been up to.