What I Did to Stimulate the Economy this Weekend: April 25 & 26, 2009

My personal spending the past couple of days was minimal:
  • Internet Access
Hope to be blogging more substantial posts in the upcoming week. Life is still moving 100 mph. I was hoping to launch my new travel blog, SoloTravelGirl.com on Friday, my 39th birthday, but we'll just call it a soft launch. I have an outline of brilliant content to post and just need the time to do so. Although I was free at 3:30 this afternoon, I spent it decompressing and getting ready for another week.

Tomorrow is the County budget hearing for our department and at this point, I've provided all the justification I can think of for my job and just want it to be over with. Have no idea what's going to transpire, hopefully all will be good. Let's think positive.
