Worden Farm: Weeks 14 & 15, 2009 Farm Share: What the Heck is it this Time?

Once again I'm impressed with with the selection, quality, and quantity of veggies in my weekly farm share box from Worden Farm in Punta Gorda, Fla. I realize I didn't post a photo from last week but here's a shot of something I picked up and said, "What the heck?"

I should know without looking at the newsletter enclosed in the box. I ate enough of it during my stay in Japan.

It's daikon and other than tossing it into stir fry, I'm at a loss as to what else I can do with it. Maybe tempura night. Also had a head of the yoda vegetable in this week's share (romanesco).

For tonight's dinner it was sauteed dandelion leaves topped with shredded cheese and walnuts along with steamed green beans. Now if I could get myself motivated for the gym, I'd be all set...
