Picking up my Worden Farm (Punta Gorda, Fla.) share each week is like having Christmas every 7 days. I don't know what's inside the compact box until I get it home and dismantle the fresh, organic veggies.
This week's share included a huge bunch of radishes, bok choy (which I've included in stir fry), sage, and a HUGE avocado, almost as big as a baby's head! Okay, maybe not THAT big, but pretty darn big - look at the photo below.
I wish cilantro was included in this share so I could make some zippy guacamole, like what my friend Barb made in Mexico. But, I can easily find some tomorrow and feast on guacamole for the rest of the weekend. Yum!
Not sure what I'm going to do with next week's share. Suppose I'll sort through what will keep through Sunday, take what I can to Buffalo when I fly up for Christmas and leave the rest with ZeldaMae when I drive through Sarasota Christmas morning. Just sharing the organic love.
This week's share included a huge bunch of radishes, bok choy (which I've included in stir fry), sage, and a HUGE avocado, almost as big as a baby's head! Okay, maybe not THAT big, but pretty darn big - look at the photo below.
