Friday night was girls' night out. A few of my gal pals and I hopped aboard Good Times II with King Fisher Fleet for a Christmas Light Canal Cruise out of Fishermen's Village in Punta Gorda, Fla. (Great time - $12 for an hour-ish cruise, departs at 6, 7:30 and 9 p.m. - reservations strongly encouraged.)
We then headed out to the Ridge Harbor Christmas display (which is where the photo above was taken). Click here for the video (best viewed in high quality) from the trip, which really doesn't do the display justice. If you're in Charlotte Harbor & the Gulf Islands during the holidays, be sure to visit Ridge Harbor Christmas in Punta Gorda. I absolutely LOVED the display.
Here's a listing of other holiday light displays in the Charlotte County area, courtesy of the Charlotte Sun. These are guaranteed to knock your socks off, click here.