I made it back from my trip to Guadalaraja, specifically the Lake Chapala area and the towns of El Chante, Jocotepec, Ajijic, and Tlaquepaque. As mentioned in another post, Barb was a great hostess and guide. I got to see and do many things ordinary travelers wouldn't have experienced. Having someone drive me through the small villages was a treat enough!
I spent today catching up on emails (and still doing that) and doing a bit of writing for Suite101. I need to collect my thoughts about Mexico but I post any more about it. Am I selfish for loving (and appreciating) my American life?
I can see why so many gringos retire there, life is a slower pace and definitely cheaper. But there are some things I can't live without. Like clean water from the sink and being able to understand the language. I knew enough Spanish to get by but when I'm tired, I don't want to think too hard on what to say or what's being said.
I'll work on posting photos and won't make promises as to when they'll be up. I realized photos from my Lafayette, La., trip haven't been organized yet!
Enjoy these two photos from Petatan on the south side of Lake Chapala. Hundreds, if not thousands, of American white pelicans spend the winter there. I'm working on uploading a couple of videos on YouTube - when complete, I'll post links.
As for tonight, I'm mentally preparing for the workday and trying not to get stressed. I had a minor panic attack over what I need to do this week while in Mexico but wished it away. Maybe I'll be able to stay on Mexican time this week. I'm also looking forward to returning to the gym - hope there's enough time in the day to do so.

I can see why so many gringos retire there, life is a slower pace and definitely cheaper. But there are some things I can't live without. Like clean water from the sink and being able to understand the language. I knew enough Spanish to get by but when I'm tired, I don't want to think too hard on what to say or what's being said.

Enjoy these two photos from Petatan on the south side of Lake Chapala. Hundreds, if not thousands, of American white pelicans spend the winter there. I'm working on uploading a couple of videos on YouTube - when complete, I'll post links.
As for tonight, I'm mentally preparing for the workday and trying not to get stressed. I had a minor panic attack over what I need to do this week while in Mexico but wished it away. Maybe I'll be able to stay on Mexican time this week. I'm also looking forward to returning to the gym - hope there's enough time in the day to do so.