I love lazy weekends. It's not because I'm a lazy person, there are just times when I enjoy being a slug and this weekend was one of those times. I may have a buyer for the boat, so keep your fingers crossed. I'm meeting them down in Flamingo on Friday afternoon and a friend will take him out to show him what a smooth ride it is. I'm debating whether I should still create a listing on Craigslist.
Another accomplishment was writing an article about Virginia Beach's Green Restaurants. I had a chance to taste these fab restaurants during my trip last month. Of the two I mention, I'd definitely return to Croc's. My dinner rocked! Has to be one of the top five restaurant meals I've ever eaten. The other one, Rockafeller's is good, the crab cakes were out of this world. I just prefer Croc's atmosphere.
Saturday afternoon was a Tallahassee field trip to see a prince. Read the full details here.
Today was an excellent workout at the gym followed by shopping for undergarments (in case you're wondering, I showered between the two activities). JCPenney had a buy two, get one free bra sale. Why are bras so expensive??? I bet if men had to wear them, there'd be cheap bras everywhere!
But my biggest accomplishment of the weekend was making these sinfully delicious Cinnamon Spice Muffins (pictured above). Part of my weekend routine is scanning my bookmarked list of frugal living blogs and Get Rich Slowly is one of them. I had most of the ingredients, justed needed to buy milk, luckily it was on sale at Walgreens today.
These muffins are absolutely heavenly. And although I'm bummed with the how much weight I've gained in the past month, I still enjoyed every single crumb without guilt. OK, I ate two (and still no guilt). I put the rest in the freezer, not sure how they'll be after being frozen, but I'm sure they'll be tasty.