Giddy Up, Texas. Here I Come!

Tomorrow it's off to Grapevine, Texas for a show followed by a little R&R with my Yellowstone pal Madge. I'm not looking forward to getting up at 3:30 tomorrow morning and dreading putting the booth together tomorrow but at least I won't have to worry about skipping my weight training day at the gym. I have 1,300 pounds of brochures to unload tomorrow. Can't wait!

Monday will be fun, the drive to San Antonio. Will drive through the Texas Hill Country Wine Trail on my way to Madge's. Will be meeting some of her friends and will give them an overview of my Afghanistan trip.

Will be flying into Dallas/Ft. Worth and understand the weather is suppose to be rain and ice - ain't that nice! Hopefully all will go well and me and my luggage will arrive safely. When I return next week it's back to the ecotourism/Wakulla Green Guide classes - yeah! - then off to Virginia Beach.

Happy weekend!
