Priceless Images: Images from the Anniversary Party

Okay, I'm done uploading the images from the big anniversary party and hope I got everyone who was there (well, I probably didn't so sorry about that!). Feel free to log in, yes, log in, I'm protecting the innocent (just kidding, I couldn't get the video uploaded so the innocent are forever protected.)

Anniversary party, Aug. 2007 - enjoy!


jhuber7672 said…
Yup! It was huge! Had to pull trucks around it to prevent the wind from blowing it out.
Anonymous said…
So were they surprised?
jhuber7672 said…
VERY surprised :)
Anonymous said…
We were VERY surprised. It is amazing that with all the people we had come in contact with at the two family weddings we had just attended that NO ONE spilled the beans - not even close!! I guess since the "little people" were not told that probably helped keep the secret. A very good time was had by all - great food - great friends etc.!! Truly a priceless memory.