Yesterday I attempted again and started picking away at the cork. I'm not sure what I Googled, but landed on the blog of the Amateur Gourmet. I quickly read through his posts (and didn't read the comments with other suggestions until I was sipping my glass of wine).
I grabbed a butter knife and hammer and proceeded to hammer the cork into the bottle, until the bottle lip broke a bit! Doh! The butter knife was wider than the bottle! I found a thinner knife, washed off the glass and proceeded with hammering the cork in. At this point, I felt it was a conspiracy between the wine bottle and me and I wasn't going to let an inanimate object win!
The cork eventually gave free and like the Amateur Gourmet's experience, a bit of wine splattered about. I filtered the wine through a paper towel and strainer, to make sure there wasn't any glass (didn't find any) and poured the strained rest into a gallon plastic pitcher.
This is just one reason why all wine should come in a box...
Beau - I was tempted to ring the sponge over the pitcher figuring the alcohol would kill anything but...