So, What Happens When Blog Stats Jump 1000% Overnight???

It means a whole lotta eyes are watching. No, not this blog but by my Tallahassee blog. Surprisingly, there aren't that many bloggers in the great city of Tally blogging about what there is to do here.

I've gotten noticed by a blog associated with the newspaper, the "Tallahassee Democrat," thanks to Stacey Getz. Apparently others have bookmarked me, too. Not sure how I feel about this...Does this mean I've found my niche???

[Tallahassee spring flowers pictured]


Anonymous said…
Oh, yeah. People a flocking to T-town for the great beaches. Naw, that's great to be recognized for your efforts. Keep up the good work.
jhuber7672 said…
Someday soon I hope to tell you the irony of it all :)