I'm Officially Suite!

My first article posted on Suite101.com today. It explains Rotary International's Group Study Exchange program. While I wrote a similar article over on AC, that was a first person account specifically to Japan and the Suite101.com article is a third person, general account.

I'll be uploading at least one other article over the weekend (a book review) while I have another one in the idea hopper. Stay posted!

Here are a few of my favorite memories of Japan: Karaoke with Matt-O, Kashi and gallons of sake; New Friends at a Piano Bar; Skiing Mt. Fuji.


Anonymous said…
Is this who I think it is? Matt Orr? When was this? You and I need to meet sometime when you're in Sarasota. Hey, my blog changed back (for good) to SurlyChick.com - would love if you updated it on your site. I am adding you to mine right now.
jhuber7672 said…
Yup, the one and only Matt Orr! Japan, Oct. 2004. Good times!

I've updated your link and drinks in Sarasota sometime would be groovy...