Of course that’s a silly question, but in the spirit of Dr. Seuss’s birthday yesterday, I’m still in the rhyming mood. I should have spent today at the gym exercising my body (maybe with a bit of Jazzercise) but I’m home nursing a cold (and drinking lots of orange juice with pulp) and exercising my blogging skills.
I’m branching out with blogging and am trying blogsvertise (www.blogsvertise.com) to see if it lives up to expectations. After reviewing the site and Googling it, this is how it works:
Bloggers are paid to write about topics/tasks from assigned Web sites. The blog post doesn't have to endorse the reviewed product or service, just mention it with at least three links to the Web site URL. Obviously, the blog post needs to be relevant to the product/service.
Blogsvertise wants at least two to three paragraphs per post with a minimum word count of 75 words. The blogger has five days to complete the task (OK – when I hear “task” it reminds me of the “Amazing Race.” I know, I digress…) and send the link back to “the system” (it sounds so official!). After 30-days, blogsvertise deposits payment into your PayPal account. The blog post cannot be deleted (or they won’t deposit the dinero). And good thing I didn't take this blog in another direction, blogsvertise doesn't play with adult-themed blogs (aka: PORNO).
I should hear soon whether I'm chosen for the task of blogging about their clients.
I’m branching out with blogging and am trying blogsvertise (www.blogsvertise.com) to see if it lives up to expectations. After reviewing the site and Googling it, this is how it works:
Bloggers are paid to write about topics/tasks from assigned Web sites. The blog post doesn't have to endorse the reviewed product or service, just mention it with at least three links to the Web site URL. Obviously, the blog post needs to be relevant to the product/service.
Blogsvertise wants at least two to three paragraphs per post with a minimum word count of 75 words. The blogger has five days to complete the task (OK – when I hear “task” it reminds me of the “Amazing Race.” I know, I digress…) and send the link back to “the system” (it sounds so official!). After 30-days, blogsvertise deposits payment into your PayPal account. The blog post cannot be deleted (or they won’t deposit the dinero). And good thing I didn't take this blog in another direction, blogsvertise doesn't play with adult-themed blogs (aka: PORNO).
I should hear soon whether I'm chosen for the task of blogging about their clients.