When I first started contributing to Associated Content there was uncertainty whether exclusive content paid more than non-exclusive. I submitted this article as non-exclusive (after all, it was an awesome experience).
I was disappointed with the single-digit offer and the Content Manager left a comment they were "unable to make a higher offer" because it was submitted as non-exclusive. Being somewhat of a newbie, I accepted the original offer hoping someday I can rework and submit it elsewhere. Plus, I wondered what a difference in exclusive and non-exclusive would be. $2? $5? $10???
Would submitting a piece of work as exclusive and giving up all rights to it be worth the difference in the money? Every now and then I submit exclusive content, if I know I REALLY won't be using the info.
Now, I don't like discussing money matters, it's just not appropriate, however, I did a bit of an experiment. I recently submitted an article as exclusive and was given a single digit offer. It seemed low. I rejected the offer and resubmitted it as non-exclusive.
Today I got my offer. It was $2.38 LESS than the exclusive offer. I realize LESS is not a good thing but my integrity is worth more than $2.38! [It may be worth $5, but definitely not $2.38.] When possible, I'll continue to submit non-exclusive content, at least I keep the rights and can use the content again.
What's making me money right now? Blogsvertise. Despite everyone thinking I'm in a 12-step program, blogsvertise is the "sponsor" I refer to in some of my posts. BTW, if you're in New York next month, drop by and see the blogsvertise folks during the Search Engine Strategies 2007 Conference & Expo(SES NYC) in booth #2016, April 10 - 13, 2007. The booth next to them is giving away a fancy, schmancy car. SES NYC is at the Hilton in Midtown and should be hot...
I was disappointed with the single-digit offer and the Content Manager left a comment they were "unable to make a higher offer" because it was submitted as non-exclusive. Being somewhat of a newbie, I accepted the original offer hoping someday I can rework and submit it elsewhere. Plus, I wondered what a difference in exclusive and non-exclusive would be. $2? $5? $10???
Now, I don't like discussing money matters, it's just not appropriate, however, I did a bit of an experiment. I recently submitted an article as exclusive and was given a single digit offer. It seemed low. I rejected the offer and resubmitted it as non-exclusive.
Today I got my offer. It was $2.38 LESS than the exclusive offer. I realize LESS is not a good thing but my integrity is worth more than $2.38! [It may be worth $5, but definitely not $2.38.] When possible, I'll continue to submit non-exclusive content, at least I keep the rights and can use the content again.
What's making me money right now? Blogsvertise. Despite everyone thinking I'm in a 12-step program, blogsvertise is the "sponsor" I refer to in some of my posts. BTW, if you're in New York next month, drop by and see the blogsvertise folks during the Search Engine Strategies 2007 Conference & Expo(SES NYC) in booth #2016, April 10 - 13, 2007. The booth next to them is giving away a fancy, schmancy car. SES NYC is at the Hilton in Midtown and should be hot...
No, I don't think your site would be considered "adult content." I haven't seen any naked people on there (or are you hiding them?).
If you're looking to make money with your blog, be sure to check out Paula Mooney's blog. On her blog, she shares how she's made money with it and offers useful tips.
1)What are your thoughts on the pro's and Cons of Associated Content?
2)Do you think the pricing table that they have, is just compensation for the value of your work?
3)Have you found any other sites that give you better features and more worth to your content that you submit?
4)What feelings and opinions do you have in the current tide of content creators and the market that they have right now?
5)Do you think there is a lot to change for the benefit of the creators?
6)In your opinion what is con exclusive and Exclusive or premium content?
7)Would you like a chance to market your material to outlets without all the hassle?
Here is my email address
Thank you kindly for the time, have a nice weekend.