I've successfully wasted the first morning in the New Year. I did one of the things I enjoy doing most: slept 'til 10 a.m. Sleeping in is a catch 22, I love snuggling into my feather-top bedding and wrapping myself around my down comforter. It's such a warm, comforting feeling. The negative side is the day is half-wasted and I miss out on whatever else I could have been doing.
So what will I do today? Probably wander downtown to see preparations for tomorrow's inauguration of Florida's next Governor, Charlie Crist. I will try to take a late lunch tomorrow so I can see some of the parade. It would be nice if Tallahassee businesses closed so we can enjoy the festivities. (It's also a national day of mourning for President Ford). It is the State Capital and how often do inaugurations occur? I certainly don't plan on living here four years from now to see another inauguration.
Back to blogging...
I had considered compiling a list of my favorite blog posts from 2006, but decided to look forward than back. I can't change the past but can guide my future. No, I'm not going to share my resolutions because I won't keep a single one, except shrinking my debt. I don't have a choice with that one.
I do want to plug some of my favorite blogs, I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I do:
Barefoot Scribbles - I had mentioned the Barefoot and his musings recently, but he's worth mentioning again. His observant musings about the simple things in life are quite entertaining.
A “Can-Am” Couple’s Adventurous Travel Stories - If you haven't met Paula, Keith and Zoe yet, shame on you! By day, Paula is a groovy entrepreneur and Keith flies helicopters into fires. By night, they are a dynamic traveling and writing couple. And Zoe? She's the three-legged wonder dog.
Cordelia's Journeys - I met Cordelia on my trip to Afghanistan last March. Cordelia visits lands I can only dream of and most recently visited India. Her photographs are spectacular, too.
Julie Pecenco Photography - Speaking of photography, be sure to check out Julie's images here. (BTW - we did catch up over the Christmas holiday; I think the last time we saw each other was in 1998. Where does the time go???)
Margaret's MySpace - Wander, if you dare, over to MySpace and visit with the very pretty Margaret. You'll see she has a very zippy way with words.
Placid Pachyderm - Well, my pal Val hasn't posted since September 2006, so I hope her New Year's Resolution will be to blog more in 2007 (hint, hint).
Robby & Becky's Think Big Adventures - If you're looking for images of countries you've never heard of or can't pronounce, you NEED to check out Robby & Becky's awesome site. I was introduced to them by a mutual friend and met them in Kabul last March. They are currently in Iraq and are incredibly kind people.
Tree's MySpace - How does a mother of three handle living on a Caribbean island? Visit Tree to find out!
Waiguoren Critic of South China - Join an English teacher on his adventures and perspectives while in China.