Say Hello to a Couple of Near-Gypsies

Not only do my journeys give me great stories, but they provide me with terrific friendships. I'd like to introduce you to Paula and Keith (and their three-legged dog, Zoe) and their new blog, A “Can-Am” couple’s adventurous travel stories.

I met them in Key West about three (?) years ago. Paula and I attended a Frommer's travel writing workshop and Keith tagged along. I found it interesting that the couple had lived in Bishop, CA - which is just outside Death Valley, where I had once lived.

Along with a couple of other writing participants, I kept in touch with Paula and followed her and Keith on their trips, some taking them around the world. At one point, they had "settled down" (maybe for 6 months) and adopted some of Key West's gypsy chickens! But alas, the wandering lifestyle called them back and they are now in the Las Vegas area. (I have been assured that they did not eat the chickens but gave them to another family).

Hope you enjoy the tales of this Can-Am couple.


Paula+ Keith said…
Nice introduction - thanks Jen! Your blog has always given us so much enjoyment - it's nice to be following your lead...finally :)
Anonymous said…
Hi there! Just followed a link from your friends' site back to your blog. Looks pretty interesting, now I have more reading to do!

Read about your time in Boston. I used to live in NH, but only 50 miles from Boston. Nice area as long as your not on Route 93 in a car at rush hour. ;)