What's happened to reality? Has our thirst for voyeurism blurred our perception as to what is real and what isn't?
While trolling for writing leads, I came across this on Craiglist: a 50-something male looking for a writer to re-write his on-line dating profiles so they jump out at the type of woman he wants to attract!
This is what we've become: dazzled by packaging with no care for the internal substance.
But, we Americans are fickle. Eventually, we will tire of the bling and desire real substance. Right?
While trolling for writing leads, I came across this on Craiglist: a 50-something male looking for a writer to re-write his on-line dating profiles so they jump out at the type of woman he wants to attract!
This is what we've become: dazzled by packaging with no care for the internal substance.
But, we Americans are fickle. Eventually, we will tire of the bling and desire real substance. Right?